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self-reproachcompunctionremorseregretrueruefulnesssorrowguiltguilt feelingsguilt tripguilty consciencepenancepenitencerepentance

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1 self-reproach

A feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed).

synonyms: compunction, remorse.

Roget 950: penitence, contrition, compunction, repentance, remorse; regret etc. 833.    self-reproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-humiliation; stings of conscience, ... show more

Dutch: berouw, gewetensangst, gewetensnood, gewetenswroeging, wroeging, zelfbeschuldiging, zelfverwijt
Polish: wyrzuty sumienia, poczucie winy

2 self-reproach

The act of blaming yourself.

synonym: self-reproof.

Find more on self-reproach elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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