1 scoria
The scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals.
synonyms: dross, slag.
Dutch: del, metaalslak, slak, slakken
Polish: żużel
Moby thesaurus: aa, abyssal rock, alluvion, alluvium, ash, ashes, basalt, bedrock, block lava, brand, brash, breccia, calx, carbon, charcoal, cinder, clinker, coal, coke, conglomerate, coom, crag, deposition, deposits, diluvium, draff, dregs, dross, druid stone, ember, feces, festooned pahoehoe, froth, fume, gneiss, granite, grounds, igneous rock, lava, lees, limestone, living rock, loess, magma, mantlerock, metamorphic rock, monolith, moraine, offscum, pahoehoe, pillow lava, porphyry, precipitate, precipitation, pudding stone, reek, regolith, rock, ropy lava, rubble, rubblestone, sandstone, sarsen, schist, scree, scum, sediment, sedimentary rock, settlings, shelly pahoehoe, silt, sinter, slag, smoke, smudge, smut, soot, stone, sublimate, sullage, talus, tufa, tuff ... show more.
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