- posthumous as an adjective:
- 1
1 posthumous
Occurring or coming into existence after a person's death.
Roget 117: subsequent, posterior, following, after, later, succeeding, postliminious†, postnate†; postdiluvial†, postdiluvian†; puisne†; posthumous; future etc. ... show more
Roget 133: late, tardy, slow, behindhand, serotine†, belated, postliminious†, posthumous, backward, unpunctual, untimely; delayed, postponed; dilatory ... show more
Moby thesaurus: after the Fall, after the flood, after the war, after-dinner, afterdeath, delayed, late, post-obit, postbellum, postcenal, postcibal, postdiluvial, postdiluvian, postlapsarian, postmortal, postmortem, postmortuary, postmundane, postobituary, postprandial ... show more.
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