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1 posit

logic A proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning.

synonym: postulate.

Dutch: axioma, grondregel, grondstelling, postulaat


1 posit

Put (something somewhere) firmly:
— She posited her hand on his shoulder.
— Deposit the suitcase on the bench.

synonyms: deposit, fix, situate.

2 posit

Put before.

synonyms: put forward, state, submit.

3 posit

Take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom:
— He posited three basic laws of nature.

synonym: postulate.

Moby thesaurus: advance, apriorism, assert, assume, hypothesize, lay, lay down, offer, park, place, pose, post, postulate, postulation, predicate, premise, presume, presumption, presupposition, propose ... show more.

Find more on posit elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 184: placed etc. v.; situate, posited, ensconced, imbedded, embosomed, rooted; domesticated; vested in, unremoved.    moored etc. ... show more

Find more on posited elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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