English synonyms about - contact  

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1 ovoid

An egg-shaped object.

Dutch: eierkolen, eivorm


1 ovoid

Rounded like an egg.

synonyms: egg-shaped, elliptic, elliptical, oval, oval-shaped, ovate, oviform, prolate.

Roget 249: rotund; round etc. (circular) 247; cylindric, cylindrical, cylindroid; columnar, lumbriciform; conic, conical; spherical, spheroidal; ... show more

Polish: jajowaty

Moby thesaurus: bulblike, bulbous, egg-shaped, ellipse, ellipsoid, global, globate, globe-shaped, globed, globelike, globoid, globose, globular, hemispheric, obovate, obovoid, orb, orbed, orbic, orbicular ... show more.

Find more on ovoid elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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