1 outward
Relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind.
Roget 6: derived from without; objective; extrinsic, extrinsical†; extraneous etc. (foreign) 57; modal, adventitious; ascititious†, adscititious†; incidental, accidental, ... show more
Roget 220: exterior, external; outer most; outward, outlying, outside, outdoor; round about etc. 227; extramural; extralimitary†, extramundane. superficial, ... show more
2 outward
That is going out or leaving:
— An outward journey.
— Outward-bound ships.
synonyms: outbound, outward-bound.
1 outward
Toward the outside:
— Move the needle further outward!.
synonym: outwards.
Moby thesaurus: apparent, apparently, appearing, bodily, carnal, conventionalized, cortical, epidermic, evident, exomorphic, exterior, exteriorly, external, externally, extraneous, extraorganismal, extrinsic, false, fleshly, foreign ... show more.
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