1 obsess
Haunt like a ghost; pursue.
synonyms: ghost, haunt.
Dutch: rondspoken
2 obsess
Be preoccupied with something.
Moby thesaurus: absorb, absorb the attention, arrest, be remembered, bedevil, beset, bewitch, burden, catch, charm, compel, control, crush one, demonize, devilize, diabolize, dominate, drive, enchant, engage, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, enthrall, exercise, exhaust, fascinate, grab, grip, hant, harass, haunt, haunt the memory, hex, hold, hold spellbound, hold the interest, hoodoo, hypnotize, immerse, impel, infatuate, involve, involve the interest, jinx, make an impression, mesmerize, monopolize, never be forgotten, not let go, occupy, occupy the attention, oppress, overlook, penetrate, plague, possess, preoccupy, prey on, rankle, sink in, spellbind, spook, take over, take up, tire, torment, voodoo, wear out, wear upon one, weary, weigh upon, weight down, witch ... show more.
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