English synonyms about - contact  



1 mispronounce

Pronounce a word incorrectly:
— She mispronounces many Latinate words.

synonym: misspeak.

Roget 583: stammer, stutter, hesitate, falter, hammer; balbutiate, balbucinate, haw, hum and haw, be unable to put two words together.    mumble, mutter; maud, mauder; ... show more

Find more on mispronounce elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: blurred, breathy, choked, choking, croaking, drawling, drawly, dysphonic, guttural, harsh, hawking, hoarse, inarticulate, indistinct, lisping, muzzy, nasal, quavering, shaking, shaky ... show more.

Find more on mispronounced elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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