English synonyms about - contact  



1 misdate

Assign the wrong date to.

Roget 115: misdate, antedate, postdate, backdate, overdate; anticipate; take no note of time, lose track of time; anachronize.   


Roget 115: anachronism, metachronism, parachronism, prochronism; prolepsis, misdate; anticipation, antichronism.    disregard of time, neglect of time, oblivion of time.    intempestivity etc. 135.    ... show more

Moby thesaurus: anachronism, antedate, antedating, anticipation, earliness, foredate, historical error, lag, lateness, metachronism, misdating, mistime, mistiming, parachronism, postdate, postdating, prochronism, prolepsis, tardiness, unpunctuality.

Find more on misdate elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 115: misdated etc. v.; undated; overdue, past due; out of date.   

Moby thesaurus: ahead of time, anachronistic, antedated, beforehand, behind time, behindhand, dated, early, foredated, late, metachronistic, mistimed, out of date, out of season, overdue, parachronistic, past due, postdated, prochronistic, tardy ... show more.

Find more on misdated elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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