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A powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acid.

synonym: lysergic acid diethylamide.

Dutch: lyserginezuurdiƫthylamide, LSD, acid, lsd
Polish: lizergid, LSD

Roget 954: intemperance; sensuality, animalism, carnality; tragalism; pleasure; effeminacy, silkiness; luxury, luxuriousness; lap of pleasure, lap of luxury; free living.    ... show more

Moby thesaurus: DET, DMT, Mary Jane, STP, THC, acid, antidepressant, ataractic, diethyltryptamine, dimethyltryptamine, gage, ganja, grass, hallucinogen, hash, hashish, hay, hemp, joint, kava ... show more.

Find more on lsd elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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