1 loudly
With relatively high volume:
— The band played loudly.
— She spoke loudly and angrily.
Roget 404: loudly etc. adj.. aloud; at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs, lustily, in full cry.
2 loudly
In manner that attracts attention.
synonyms: clamorously, obstreperously.
3 loudly
Used as a direction in music; to be played relatively loudly.
synonym: forte.
Moby thesaurus: aloud, clamantly, clamorously, deafeningly, demandingly, exactingly, exigently, exorbitantly, extortionately, firmly, forcefully, forcibly, forte, fortemente, fortissimo, heartily, imperviously, importunately, impregnably, in full cry ... show more.
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