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1 Jehovah

A name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH.

synonyms: Jahvey, Jahweh, JHVH, Wahvey, Yahve, Yahveh, Yahwe, Yahweh, YHVH, YHWH.

2 Jehovah

Terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God.

synonyms: Almighty, Creator, Divine, God Almighty, Godhead, Lord, Maker.

Dutch: godheid
Polish: opatrzność, Pan, Stworzyciel, Najwyższy, Bóg, niebiosa, Stwórca

Roget 976: Deity, Divinity; Godhead, Godship; Omnipotence, Providence; Heaven (metonymically). [Quality of being divine] divineness, divinity.    God, Lord, Jehovah, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Almighty God, Alpha and Omega, Demiourgos, Demiurge, God, God Almighty, Heaven, I Am, King of Kings, Lord, Lord of Lords, Lord of hosts, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Providence, the Absolute, the Absolute Being, the All-holy, the All-knowing, the All-merciful ... show more.

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