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1 insurgent

A person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions).

synonyms: freedom fighter, insurrectionist, rebel.

Roget 742: disobedience, insubordination, contumacy; infraction, infringement; violation, noncompliance; nonobservance etc. 773.    revolt, rebellion, mutiny, outbreak, ... show more

Dutch: vrijheidsstrijder, oproerling, opstandeling, rebel, verzetsstrijder

2 insurgent

A member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment.

synonyms: guerilla, guerrilla, irregular.

Dutch: partizane, guerrilla, guerrillastrijder, partizaan, vrijheidsstrijder
Polish: partyzant


1 insurgent

In opposition to a civil authority or government.

synonyms: seditious, subversive.

Roget 742: disobedient; uncomplying, uncompliant; unsubmissive, unruly, ungovernable; breachy, insubordinate, impatient of control, incorrigible; restiff, restive; refractory, contumacious, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: agitator, anarch, anarchist, brawler, breakaway, contumacious, extreme, extremist, extremistic, factious, frondeur, insubordinate, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, insurrecto, malcontent, maverick, mutineer, mutineering, mutinous ... show more.

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