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1 idealization

A portrayal of something as ideal:
— The idealization of rural life was very misleading.

synonyms: glorification, idealisation.

Polish: lakiernictwo, brÄ…zownictwo, gloryfikacja, apoteoza, idealizacja

2 idealization

psychiatry A defense mechanism that splits something you are ambivalent about into two representations--one good and one bad.

synonym: idealisation.

Polish: idealizacja

3 idealization

Something that exists only as an idea.

synonym: idealisation.

Moby thesaurus: Prospero, airiness, appearance, autism, autistic thinking, delusiveness, dematerialization, dereism, dereistic thinking, disembodiment, dreamery, etherealization, fallaciousness, false appearance, false light, false show, falseness, flight of fancy, ideal, idealism ... show more.

Find more on idealization elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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