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1 generic

Wine that does not meet the minimum qualifications and standards for use of a designation by appellation of origin (where the grapes are grown) or by varietal content; may only be labeled by proprietary (made-up) name, by general color (such as `vin rouge', `vino rosso', `rotwein', `red wine', etc.), or by general class (as `vin ordinaire', `vin de table', `vino da tavola', `tafelwein', `table wine', etc.).

synonym: generic wine.

2 generic

Any product that can be sold without a brand name.


1 generic

Relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus.

Roget 78: general, generic, collective; broad, comprehensive, sweeping; encyclopedical, widespread etc. (dispersed) 73.    universal; catholic, catholical; ... show more

2 generic

of drugs Not protected by trademark.

3 generic

Applicable to an entire class or group.

Moby thesaurus: abstract, bland, broad, collective, common, featureless, general, generalized, indefinite, indeterminate, nebulous, neutral, nonspecific, uncharacterized, undifferentiated, universal, unspecified, vague, wide.

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