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1 furnishing

usually plural Accessory wearing apparel.

synonym: trappings.

2 furnishing

usually plural The instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable.

Dutch: boedel, huisraad, inboedel, inventaris, meubilair, meubilering
Polish: element wyposażenia

3 furnishing

The act of providing a house or room with furniture and other removable items such as shelves, carpets, appliances, etc..

Polish: meblowanie

Moby thesaurus: accouterment, adaptation, adjustment, armament, catering, chandlery, conditioning, enablement, endowment, equipment, finding, fit, fitting, fitting out, furnishment, investment, logistics, outfitting, preparation, procurement ... show more.

Find more on furnishing elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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