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1 extempore

With little or no preparation or forethought:
— An extempore skit.

synonyms: ad-lib, extemporaneous, extemporary, impromptu, off-the-cuff, offhand, offhanded, unrehearsed.


1 extempore

Without prior preparation.

synonyms: extemporaneously, extemporarily.

Roget 113: instantaneously etc. adj.; in no time, in less than no time; presto, subito, instanter, suddenly, at a stroke, like a shot; in a moment etc. n.. ... show more

Roget 132: early, soon, anon, betimes, rath; eft, eftsoons; ere long, before long, shortly; beforehand; prematurely etc. adj.; ... show more

Roget 134: opportunely etc. adj.; in proper course, in due course, in proper season, in due season, in proper time, in due time; for the nonce; in the nick of time, in the fullness of time; all in good time; just in time, ... show more

Roget 612: extempore, extemporaneously; offhand, impromptu, a limproviste [Fr.]; improviso; on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion.   

Roget 674: extempore etc. 612.   

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