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1 evermore

At any future time; in the future:
— Lead a blameless life evermore.

synonym: forevermore.

Roget 112: perpetually etc. adj.; always, ever, evermore, aye; for ever, for aye, till the end of the universe, forevermore, forever and a day, for ever and ever; ... show more

2 evermore

For a limitless time:
— Brightly beams our Father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore.

synonyms: eternally, everlastingly, forever.

Moby thesaurus: always, aye, eternally, ever, ever and again, ever and anon, for all time, for aye, for good, for keeps, forever, forever and aye, forevermore, in all ages, now and forever, throughout the ages, till doomsday, till time stops.

Find more on evermore elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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