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1 epigrammatic

Terse and witty and like a maxim.

synonyms: aphoristic, apothegmatic.

Roget 572: concise, brief, short, terse, close; to the point, exact; neat, compact; compressed, condensed, pointed; laconic, curt, ... show more

Roget 842: witty, attic; quick-witted, nimble-witted; smart; jocular, jocose, humorous; facetious, waggish, whimsical; kidding, joking, puckish; ... show more

Polish: aforystyczny

Moby thesaurus: aphoristic, apophthegmatic, apothegmatic, compendious, concise, laconic, piquant, pithy, pointed, proverbial, punchy, pungent, sententious, snappy, succinct, terse, trenchant, witty.

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