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Don Quixote


1 Don Quixote

The hero of a romance by Cervantes; chivalrous but impractical.

Polish: Don Kichot, Don Kiszot, Don Quichote

2 Don Quixote

Any impractical idealist (after Cervantes' hero).

Polish: donkiszot

Roget 863: rashness etc. adj.; temerity, want of caution, imprudence, indiscretion; overconfidence, presumption, audacity.    precipitancy, precipitation; impetuosity; levity; ... show more

Roget 504: madman, lunatic, maniac, bedlamite, candidate for Bedlam, raver, madcap, crazy; energumen; automaniac, monomaniac, dipsomaniac, kleptomaniac; hypochondriac ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Bayard, Gawain, Lancelot, Quixote, Ritter, Sidney, Sir Galahad, bachelor, banneret, baronet, caballero, cavalier, chevalier, companion, daydreamer, dreamer, dreamer of dreams, enthusiast, escapist, idealist ... show more.

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