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1 curd

A coagulated liquid resembling milk curd.

Roget 354: pulpiness etc. adj.; pulp, taste, dough, curd, pap, rob, jam, pudding, poultice, grume.    mush, ... show more

Roget 321: density, solidity; solidness etc. adj.; impenetrability, impermeability; incompressibility; imporosity; cohesion etc. 46; constipation, consistence, ... show more

2 curd

Coagulated milk; used to make cheese.

Dutch: kaasstof, plattekaas, wrongel


Roget 321: be dense etc. adj.; become solid, render solid etc. adj.; solidify, solidate; concrete, set, take a set, consolidate, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Devonshire cream, albumen, batter, blood clot, bonnyclabber, butter, buttermilk, casein, certified milk, cheese, clabber, clot, clotted cream, coagulate, coagulum, condensed milk, cornstarch, crassamentum, cream, dairy products ... show more.

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