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1 blarney

Flattery designed to gain favor.

synonyms: coaxing, soft soap, sweet talk.

Roget 933: flattery, adulation, gloze; blandishment, blandiloquence; cajolery; fawning, wheedling etc. v.; captation, coquetry, obsequiousness, sycophancy, ... show more

Polish: wazelina


1 blarney

Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering.

synonyms: cajole, coax, inveigle, palaver, sweet-talk, wheedle.

Dutch: vleien, verleiden, overhalen, lubben, meelokken, strikken

Moby thesaurus: adulation, banter, blandish, blandishment, bunkum, cajole, cajolement, cajolery, compliment, con, eyewash, fair words, fawning, flattery, grease, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, incense, oil, palaver ... show more.

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