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1 archangel

An angel ranked above the highest rank in the celestial hierarchy.

Roget 977: angel, archangel; guardian angel; heavenly host, host of heaven, sons of God; seraph, seraphim; cherub, cherubim.    ministering spirit, morning star.    saint, patron saint, ... show more

Dutch: aartsengel
Polish: archanioł

2 archangel

A biennial cultivated herb; its stems are candied and eaten and its roots are used medicinally.

synonyms: Angelica Archangelica, garden angelica.

Polish: arcydzięgiel litwor, dzięgiel litwor, arcydzięgiel, dzięgiel lekarski, litwor

Moby thesaurus: angel, angel of light, angel of love, angelology, angels, archangels, beatified soul, canonized mortal, celestial, cherub, cherubim, dominations, dominions, heavenly being, martyr, messenger of God, patron saint, powers, principalities, principality ... show more.

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