English synonyms about - contact  

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1 anterior

A tooth situated at the front of the mouth:
— His malocclusion was caused by malposed anteriors.

synonym: front tooth.


1 anterior

Of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body.

Roget 234: fore, anterior, front, frontal.   

2 anterior

Earlier in time.

synonym: prior.

Roget 62: preceding etc. v.; precedent, antecedent; anterior; prior etc. 116; before; former; foregoing; beforementioned, ... show more

Roget 116: prior, previous; preceding, precedent; anterior, antecedent; pre-existing, pre-existent; former, foregoing; aforementioned, before-mentioned, abovementioned; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: album, ana, analects, antecedent, anticipatory, chief, ci-devant, collection, compilation, delectus, earlier, early, elder, exordial, first, florilegium, fore, foregoing, forehand, foremost ... show more.

Find more on anterior elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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