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1 chameleon

A changeable or inconstant person.

Roget 440: variegation; colors, dichroism, trichroism; iridescence, play of colors, polychrome, maculation, spottiness, striae.    spectrum, rainbow, iris, tulip, ... show more

Roget 149: changeableness etc. adj.; mutability, inconstancy; versatility, mobility; instability, unstable equilibrium; vacillation etc. (irresolution) 605; fluctuation, ... show more

Dutch: kameleon
Polish: chorągiewka na wietrze, kameleon, kurek na kościele, proteusz, szaweł

2 Chameleon

A faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Apus and Mensa.

synonym: Chamaeleon.

Dutch: Kameleon, kameleon

3 chameleon

Lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue.

synonym: chamaeleon.

Dutch: kameleon
Polish: kameleon

Moby thesaurus: April showers, Dalmatian, Gila monster, Proteus, Vicar of Bray, agama, alligator, anole, antigorite, bearded lizard, blindworm, box turtle, butterfly, butterfly agama, candy cane, cayman, cheetah, chrysotile, cloud shapes, confetti ... show more.

Find more on Chameleon elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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