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Air Force


1 air force

The airborne branch of a country's armed forces.

synonym: airforce.

Dutch: luchtmacht, luchtstrijdkrachten
Polish: lotnictwo, lotnictwo wojskowe, siły powietrzne

2 Air Force

The airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space.

synonyms: U. S. Air Force, United States Air Force, US Air Force, USAF.

Dutch: USAF

Moby thesaurus: ANAC, ARF, ATC, ATS, Air Command, Air Transport Command, Air Transport Service, Airborne Reconnaissance Force, Army-Navy Air Corps, Bomber Command, CASU, Coastal Command, FEAF, Fleet Air Arm, MATS, NAD, NATS, Naval Air Division, Navy Air, RAAF ... show more.

Find more on Air Force elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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