English synonyms about - contact  

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1 client

A person who seeks the advice of a lawyer.

Roget 746: subject, liegeman; servant, retainer, follower, henchman, servitor, domestic, menial, help, lady help, employe, attache; ... show more

Dutch: client, cliënt, consultant, klant

2 client

Someone who pays for goods or services.

synonym: customer.

Roget 795: purchase, emption; buying, purchasing, shopping; preemption, refusal.    coemption, bribery; slave trade.    buyer, purchaser, emptor, vendee; ... show more

Dutch: cliënt, committent, klant, lastgever, machtgever, mandant, mandator, opdrachtgever, principaal
Polish: klient

3 client

computer science Any computer that is hooked up to a computer network.

synonyms: guest, node.

Dutch: client
Polish: klient, stacja kliencka

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