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1 ancestral

Inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent:
— Ancestral home.
— Ancestral lore.

synonyms: hereditary, patrimonial, transmissible.

Roget 122: past, gone, gone by, over, passed away, bygone, foregone; elapsed, lapsed, preterlapsed, expired, no more, run out, blown over, ... show more

Roget 124: old, ancient, antique; of long standing, time-honored, venerable; elder, eldest; firstborn.    prime; primitive, primeval, primigenous; paleolontological, ... show more

Roget 128: aged; old etc. 124; elderly, geriatric, senile; matronly, anile; in years; ripe, mellow, run to seed, ... show more

Roget 166: paternal, parental; maternal; family, ancestral, linear, patriarchal.   

Polish: rodowy

2 ancestral

Of or belonging to or inherited from an ancestor.

Polish: genealogiczny

Moby thesaurus: aboriginal, ancestorial, antepatriarchal, atavistic, autochthonous, fatherlike, fatherly, grandfatherly, grandmotherly, grandparental, humanoid, maternal, mother, motherlike, motherly, parent, parental, paternal, patriarchal, preadamite ... show more.

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