English synonyms about - contact  

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1 adhesive

A substance that unites or bonds surfaces together.

synonyms: adhesive agent, adhesive material.

Dutch: adhesief, kleefmiddel, lijm, kleefstof
Polish: spoiwo


1 adhesive

Tending to adhere.

Roget 46: cohesive, adhesive, adhering, cohering etc. v.; tenacious, tough; sticky etc. 352.    united, unseparated, unsessile, ... show more

Polish: przyczepny

Moby thesaurus: adherent, affixation, amylaceous, annexation, attachment, barnacle, binding, birdlime, bond, bramble, brier, bulldog, bulldogged, bulldoggish, bulldoggy, bullheaded, burr, cement, clabbered, clammy ... show more.

Find more on adhesive elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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