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1 Torah

The whole body of the Jewish sacred writings and tradition including the oral tradition.

Polish: Tora, Pięcioksiąg, Pentateuch

2 Torah

The first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit.

synonyms: Laws, Pentateuch.

Dutch: Pentateuch
Polish: pięcioksiąg

3 Torah

Judaism The scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during services.

Polish: tora

Moby thesaurus: Apocrypha, Chumash, Hagiographa, Hexateuch, Major Prophets, Nebiim, Octateuch, Old Testament, Pentateuch, Sefer Torah, Tenach, Torah scroll, Virginal, breviary, canon, church book, euchologion, euchology, farse, formulary ... show more.

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