space probe
1 space probe
A rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere; makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation.
Dutch: ruimtesonde
Polish: próbnik, sonda, próbnik kosmiczny, sonda kosmiczna
Moby thesaurus: ATDA, ATS, Alouette, Anna, Apollo, Ariel, Atlas-Score, Biosatellite, Comsat, Cosmos, Courier, Diapason, Discoverer, ERS, Early Bird, Echo, Elektron, Explorer, GATV, Gemini, Injun, Intelsat, Lofti, Luna, Lunar Orbiter, Lunik, Mariner, Mars probes, Mercury, Midas, Nimbus, OAO, OGO, OSO, Pageos, Pegasus, Pioneer, Proton, Ranger, Relay, Samos, San Marco, Secor, Sputnik, Surveyor, Syncom, Telstar, Transit, Vanguard, Viking, Voskhod, WRESAT, Zond, artificial satellite, artificial satellites, communications satellite, geo probe, geodetic satellite, geophysical satellite, navigational satellite, probe, research satellite, robot satellite, satellite, space satellite, spacecraft, sputnik, unmanned satellite, weather satellite ... show more.
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