1 sketchbook
A book containing sheets of paper on which sketches can be drawn.
synonyms: sketch block, sketch pad.
Dutch: schetsboek
Polish: album, szkicownik
Moby thesaurus: air brush, art paper, best seller, book, bound book, brush, camera lucida, camera obscura, canvas, chalk, charcoal, classic, coloring book, crayon, definitive work, drawing paper, drawing pencil, drier, easel, fixative, folio, great work, ground, hardback, juvenile, juvenile book, lay figure, limp-cover book, magnum opus, maulstick, medium, nonbook, notebook, novel, opus, opuscule, opusculum, paint, paintbrush, palette, palette knife, paperback, pastel, pencil, picture book, pigments, playbook, pocket book, prayer book, production, psalmbook, psalter, publication, scratchboard, serial, siccative, sketchpad, soft-cover, songbook, spatula, spray gun, standard work, storybook, stump, title, tome, trade book, varnish, volume, work, writing ... show more.
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