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1 sharply

In an aggressive manner:
— She was being sharply questioned.

synonym: aggressively.

2 sharply

In a well delineated manner:
— The new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined.

synonym: crisply.

3 sharply

Changing suddenly in direction and degree:
— The road twists sharply after the light.

synonyms: acutely, sharp.

4 sharply

Very suddenly and to a great degree:
— Prices rose sharply.

synonym: precipitously.

Moby thesaurus: abruptly, acerbically, acutely, angrily, closely, cuttingly, definitely, definitively, distinctly, firmly, harshly, intensely, intently, penetratingly, peremptorily, piercingly, precipitately, precipitously, quickly, severely ... show more.

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