English synonyms about - contact  
Roman Catholic PopeBishop of RomeCatholic PopeHoly FatherpontiffpopeVicar of Christspiritual leaderCatholicantipopeAlexander VIBorgiaPope Alexander VIRodrigo BorgiaBenedict XIVProspero LambertiniBenedict XVGiacomo della ChiesaBenedetto CaetaniBoniface VIIICalixtus IIGuy of BurgundyAlfonso BorgiaBorgiaCalixtus IIIClement VIIGiulio de' MediciClement XIGiovanni Francesco AlbaniClement XIVLorenzo GanganelliGregoryGregory IGregory the GreatSaint Gregory ISt. Gregory IGregoryGregory VIIHildebrandAngelo CorrerGregoryGregory XIIGregoryGregory XIIIUgo BuoncompagniBartolomeo Alberto CapillariGregoryGregory XVIInnocent IIILotario di SegniGiovanni Battista CiboInnocent VIIIBenedetto OdescalchiInnocent XI

Roman Catholic Pope


1 Roman Catholic Pope

The head of the Roman Catholic Church.

synonyms: Bishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Vicar of Christ.

Dutch: hogepriester, paus, pontifex, pontifex maximus, pope
Polish: papież, Namiestnik Chrystusa, biskup Rzymu, Sługa sług Bożych, Ojciec Święty, biskup rzymski

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