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1 RF

A substance produced by the hypothalamus that is capable of accelerating the secretion of a given hormone by the anterior pituitary gland.

synonyms: releasing factor, releasing hormone.

2 Rf

A radioactive transuranic element which has been synthesized.

synonyms: atomic number 104, element 104, rutherfordium, unnilquadium, Unq.

Dutch: UNQ, rutherfordium
Polish: kurczatow, Rf, rutherford

3 RF

A complex neural network in the central core of the brainstem; monitors the state of the body and functions in such processes as arousal and sleep and attention and muscle tone.

synonym: reticular formation.

Moby thesaurus: AF, CPS, EHF, HF, Hz, MF, SHF, UHF, VHF, VLF, audio frequency, carrier frequency, cycles, extremely high frequency, frequency, frequency spectrum, hertz, high frequency, intermediate frequency, kilocycles ... show more.

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