English synonyms about - contact  

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1 pathological

Of or relating to the practice of pathology:
— Pathological laboratory.

synonym: pathologic.

2 pathological

Caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition.

3 pathological

Caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology:
— Pathological bodily processes.

synonyms: diseased, morbid, pathologic.

Polish: chorobliwy, patologiczny, chorobowy

Moby thesaurus: bad, cankered, contaminated, diseased, gangrened, gangrenous, infected, morbid, mortified, peccant, poisoned, septic, sphacelated, tainted, ulcerated, ulcerous, unhealthy, unsound, unwholesome.

Find more on pathological elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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