Holy Father Bishop of Rome Catholic Pope pontiff pope Roman Catholic Pope Vicar of Christ spiritual leader Catholic antipope Alexander VI Borgia Pope Alexander VI Rodrigo Borgia Benedict XIV Prospero Lambertini Benedict XV Giacomo della Chiesa Benedetto Caetani Boniface VIII Calixtus II Guy of Burgundy Alfonso Borgia Borgia Calixtus III Clement VII Giulio de' Medici Clement XI Giovanni Francesco Albani Clement XIV Lorenzo Ganganelli Gregory Gregory I Gregory the Great Saint Gregory I St. Gregory I Gregory Gregory VII Hildebrand Angelo Correr Gregory Gregory XII Gregory Gregory XIII Ugo Buoncompagni Bartolomeo Alberto Capillari Gregory Gregory XVI Innocent III Lotario di Segni Giovanni Battista Cibo Innocent VIII Benedetto Odescalchi Innocent XI jump to corresponding sense entry
Holy Father noun
1 Holy FatherThe head of the Roman Catholic Church.
synonyms: Bishop of Rome , Catholic Pope , pontiff , pope , Roman Catholic Pope , Vicar of Christ .
Dutch: hogepriester, paus, pontifex, pontifex maximus, pope Polish: papież, Namiestnik Chrystusa, biskup Rzymu, Sługa sług Bożych, Ojciec Święty, biskup rzymski
Moby thesaurus: God the Father , Grand Penitentiary , Our Father , abuna , antipope , archbishop , archdeacon , archpriest , bishop , bishop coadjutor , canon , cardinal , cardinal bishop , cardinal deacon , cardinal priest , chaplain , coadjutor , curate , dean , diocesan , ecclesiarch , exarch , hierarch , high priest , metropolitan , papa , patriarch , penitentiary , pontiff , pope , prebendary , prelate , primate , rector , rural dean , subdean , suffragan , the All-father , the Creator , the Everlasting Father , the Father , the Holy Father , vicar ... show more .
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