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1 eggbeater

An aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades.

synonyms: chopper, helicopter, whirlybird.

Dutch: hefschroefvliegtuig, helikopter, wentelwiek
Polish: śmigłowiec, helikopter

2 eggbeater

A mixer for beating eggs or whipping cream.

synonym: eggwhisk.

Dutch: gard, garde, klopper

Moby thesaurus: agitator, beater, blender, cement mixer, chopper, churn, copter, crucible, emulsifier, helicopter, jiggler, melting pot, mixer, paddle, rotary-wing aircraft, rotor plane, shaker, vibrator, whirlybird, whisk ... show more.

Find more on eggbeater elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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