carelessly as a adverb: - 1
- 2
- 3
1 carelessly
Without care or concern:
— Carelessly raised the children's hopes without thinking of their possible disappointment.
synonym: heedlessly.
2 carelessly
Without caution or prudence:
— One unfortunately sees historic features carelessly lost when estates fall into unsympathetic hands.
synonym: incautiously.
3 carelessly
Moby thesaurus: a corps perdu, airily, any old way, any which way, anyhow, apathetically, at haphazard, at intervals, at random, bunglingly, by chance, by fits, by snatches, capriciously, casually, clumsily, cursorily, desperately, desultorily, disinterestedly, dispassionately, disregardfully, erratically, fitfully, forgetfully, furiously, haphazardly, happen what may, hastily, head over heels, headfirst, headforemost, headlong, heedlessly, heels over head, helter-skelter, hit and miss, hit or miss, holus-bolus, hotheadedly, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, impetuously, in snatches, in spots, inadvertently, inattentively, inconsiderately, indeliberately, indiscriminately, insouciantly, involuntarily, irregularly, lackadaisically, like crazy, like mad, listlessly, madly, messily, mindlessly, negligently, nonchalantly, offhand, offhandedly, once over lightly, overeagerly, overenthusiastically, overzealously, perfunctorily, precipitantly, precipitately, precipitously, promiscuously, ramble-scramble, randomly, recklessly, regardlessly, slam-bang, slap-bang, slapdash, sloppily, spasmodically, sporadically, tactlessly, thoughtlessly, unadvisedly, uncalculatedly, unconcernedly, undesignedly, unguardedly, unheedfully, unheedingly, unintentionally, uninterestedly, unmethodically, unmindfully, unpremeditatedly, unreasoningly, unsolicitously, unsystematically, unthinkingly, unthoughtfully, unvigilantly, unwarily, wantonly, wildly, without premeditation, without willing ... show more.
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