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Cdegree Celsiusdegree centigradedegreestandard temperature

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1 C

A degree on the centigrade scale of temperature.

synonyms: degree Celsius, degree centigrade.

Polish: C, celsjusz, stopień Celsjusza, °C

2 c

The speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second.

synonyms: light speed, speed of light.

Dutch: lichtsnelheid
Polish: c, lorenc

3 C

A vitamin found in fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables; prevents scurvy.

synonyms: ascorbic acid, vitamin C.

Dutch: vitamine C, ascorbinezuur
Polish: witamina C, kwas askorbinowy

4 C

One of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose).

synonym: deoxycytidine monophosphate.

5 C

A base found in DNA and RNA and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with guanine.

synonym: cytosine.

Polish: cytozyna

6 C

An abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds.

synonyms: atomic number 6, carbon.

Dutch: koolstof
Polish: C, węgiel

7 C

Ten 10s.

synonyms: 100, century, hundred, one C.

Dutch: éénhonderd, honderd
Polish: C

8 C

A unit of electrical charge equal to the amount of charge transferred by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second.

synonyms: ampere-second, coulomb.

Dutch: coulomb
Polish: kulomb, C, amperosekunda

9 C

A general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system.

Polish: C

10 C

music The keynote of the scale of C major.

Polish: c, do

11 C

The 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet.

Polish: c

12 C

Street names for cocaine.

synonyms: blow, coke, nose candy, snow.

Dutch: basterdsuiker, cocaïne, sneeuw
Polish: biały proszek, śnieg, koks


1 c

Being ten more than ninety.

synonyms: 100, hundred, one hundred.

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