1 Buddha
Founder of Buddhism (c 563-483 BC).
synonyms: Gautama, Gautama Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha, Siddhartha.
Dutch: Boeddha
2 Buddha
One who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment.
Dutch: Boeddha, boeddha
Polish: budda
Roget 986: the Koran, the Alcoran†; Lyking†, Vedas, Zendavesta, Avesta†, Sastra, Shastra, Tantra†, Upanishads, Purana, Edda; Book of Mormon. ... show more
Roget 979: god, goddess; heathen gods and goddesses; deva†; Jupiter, Jove &c.; pantheon. Allah†, Bathala†, Brahm†, Brahma†, Brahma†, ... show more
Moby thesaurus: Confucius, Gandhi, Jagannath, Juggernaut, Kurma, Mahavira, Matsya, Mentor, Muhammad, Narsinh, Nestor, Parshuram, Plato, Rama, Socrates, Solomon, Vaman, Varah, Vardhamana, Zoroaster ... show more.
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