1 blackcap
Raspberry native to eastern North America having black thimble-shaped fruit.
synonyms: black raspberry, blackcap raspberry, Rubus occidentalis, thimbleberry.
2 blackcap
Small black-headed European gull.
synonyms: Larus ridibundus, laughing gull, pewit, pewit gull.
Dutch: lachmeeuw
Polish: śmieszka, mewa śmieszka
3 blackcap
Chickadee having a dark crown.
synonyms: black-capped chickadee, Parus atricapillus.
Polish: sikora jasnoskrzydła
4 blackcap
Small brownish-grey warbler with a black crown.
synonym: Silvia atricapilla.
Polish: pokrzewka czarnogłowa, pokrzewka czarnołbista, kapturka
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