big mouth
Moby thesaurus: Captain Bobadil, Gascon, Texan, blower, blowhard, blusterer, boaster, brag, braggadocio, braggart, candor, communicativeness, conversableness, effusion, effusiveness, fanfaron, flow of words, flowing tongue, fluency, fluent tongue, flux de bouche, flux de paroles, flux of words, frankness, garrulity, garrulousness, gasbag, gasconader, gassiness, gift of gab, glibness, gregariousness, gush, gushiness, hector, hot-air artist, long-windedness, loose tongue, loquaciousness, loquacity, miles gloriosus, openness, prolixity, slush, sociability, spate of words, talkativeness, verbosity, volubility, windbag, windiness, windjammer, windy ... show more.
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