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1 accentuate

To stress, single out as important.

synonyms: accent, emphasise, emphasize, punctuate, stress.

Roget 642: be important etc. adj., be somebody, be something; import, signify, matter, boot, be an object; carry weight etc. (influence) ... show more

Roget 580: utter, breathe; give utterance, give tongue; cry etc. (shout) 411; ejaculate, rap out; vocalize, prolate, articulate, ... show more

Dutch: accentueren, profileren

2 accentuate

Put stress on; utter with an accent.

synonyms: accent, stress.

Dutch: beklemtonen, accentueren, benadrukken

Moby thesaurus: accent, belabor, dwell on, emphasize, give emphasis to, harp on, highlight, italicize, overaccentuate, overemphasize, overstress, place emphasis on, point up, punctuate, rub in, spotlight, star, stress, underline, underscore.

Find more on accentuate elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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