English synonyms about - contact  
United States Civil WarAmerican Civil WarWar between the Statescivil warAtlantabattle of AtlantaBattle of Bull RunBull RunChancellorsvillebattle of ChattanoogaChattanoogabattle of ChickamaugaChickamaugaBattle of FredericksburgFredericksburgBattle of GettysburgGettysburgHampton RoadsKennesaw MountainPetersburgPetersburg Campaignbattle of Pittsburgh Landingbattle of ShilohShilohsiege of VicksburgVicksburgWilderness Campaign

United States Civil War


1 United States Civil War

Civil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865.

synonyms: American Civil War, War between the States.

Dutch: Amerikaanse burgeroorlog

Find more on United States Civil War elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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