- Satanism as a noun:
- 1
1 Satanism
A belief in and reverence for devils (especially Satan).
synonyms: demonism, diabolism.
Dutch: satanisme
Polish: satanizm
Roget 978: Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Ahriman†, Belial; Samael, Zamiel, Beelzebub, the Prince of the Devils. the tempter; the evil one, the evil spirit; the Adversary; ... show more
Moby thesaurus: Black Mass, black magic, chthonian worship, demonism, demonography, demonolatry, demonology, demonomancy, demonomy, demonry, devil lore, devil worship, devilry, diablerie, diabolism, diabology, diabolology, sorcery, the black art.
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