Promised Land
1 Promised Land
An ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism.
synonyms: Canaan, Holy Land, Palestine.
Dutch: Kanaän
Polish: Palestyna, Gaza
2 promised land
Any place of complete bliss and delight and peace.
synonyms: Eden, heaven, nirvana, paradise, Shangri-la.
Dutch: firmament, nirwana, hemel, hemelrijk, paradijs
Polish: eden, raj, rajski ogród
3 Promised Land
The goal towards which Christians strive.
Moby thesaurus: Agapemone, Arcadia, Beulah, Beulah Land, Big Rock-Candy Mountain, Canaan, Cloudcuckooland, Cockaigne, Eden, Eldorado, Erewhon, Garden of Eden, Goshen, Happy Valley, Heaven, Land of Beulah, Land of Youth, Laputa, Never-Never-land, Neverland ... show more.
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